Sunday, July 27, 2003

final 0.1 builds are up!

get them at the mirror sites listed at the top-right hand corner of this page.

Saturday, July 26, 2003

probable new mirrors are coming up!

new builds are posted at the download sites. finally all are updated! (23rd july and 23rd july-updated builds)


Wednesday, July 23, 2003

from now on, get the installer in from any of the mirrors at the top right of this page.

pls send me (nth10sd) a private message in the MozillaZine Forums if you are interested in contributing a mirror.


aha, i'm back. i'm studying how to use cvs, and until i do so, my section at the mozdev site won't be up just yet. btw, a new mirror is coming soon, and it is (hopefully) much more reliable.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

16th July build is now out.

Get it in the Lycos mirror now!

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

I have removed the Geocities mirror. Apparently there is a major problem in the files' ability to extract. Use the Lycos site instead.


A new build is out! (8th July 2003)

Get it as usual in the sites listed below.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Both sites are online with the new builds now! Enjoy.


Note the different instructions for getting the installer from the two mirrors!

I just saw the 1st July build released not so long ago. I'll be updating the installer soon...

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